2022 Photo Days
Our school photo days are Tuesday 8th - Thursday 10th February.
Next week, all students will have their photographs taken for administrative purposes (e.g.smartriders). Also, this will be the time when special school groups, such as Councillors, GAT will also be photographed.
Please see the following documents for the schedule over the three days:
Tuesday 8th February - Years 7 & 8
Wednesday 9th February - Groups
Wednesday 9th February - Years 8, 11 & 12
Thursday 10th February - Years 9 & 10
Below is a sample copy of the photo envelope which is personalised with your child's ID number and on the back is the range of available packs. This envelope was given out during FORM class today.
Please ask your child to bring back the envelope on their photo day to hand back to the photographers.
Parents/Carers can place orders online using the code CRPHTL. For more information about ordering, please read the letter they have provided.
Spare copies of the envelopes are available from Main Administration Office, these DO NOT have a student ID or Name.
Please ensure your child is in full uniform and adheres to the full uniform policy next week for Photo Days. This also includes our statement regarding Make-up, Hair, Jewellery and Piercings.