Humanities & Social Sciences (HASS)


The Humanities and Social Sciences subjects involve the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. The focus is historical and contemporary, it incorporates perspectives ranging from personal to global. The aim is to support students to develop the ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change as active and informed citizens.

HASS is a compulsory subject in years 7 - 10, but all subjects under the HASS banner become optional in Years 11-12. Within all course areas, students study those aspects of our past, current and future social, economic and environmental communities. All of the subjects in Year 11 and 12 are preparation for university, the world of work, living and coping within an increasingly complex society.



Year 7


In Year 7, Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.

All students in Year 7 HASS complete the same course - slightly modified for the needs of each class.

Year 7 classes will be generalist classes, allowing all students to show their genuine abilities and work at those levels; alternative classes will include:

  • One GAT class
  • One SVAPA class
  • One Academic Extension class.


Year 8


In Year 8, Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics  and Citizenship , Economics  and Business, Geography and History.

All students in Year 8 HASS complete the same course - slightly modified for the needs of each class that includes:

  • One GAT class
  • One SVAPA class
  • One Academic Extension class.


 Year 9


In Year 9, Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics  and Citizenship , Economics  and Business, Geography and History.

All students in Year 9 HASS complete the same course - slightly modified for the needs of each class. The classes are:

  • One GAT class
  • One Academic Extension class.
  • The remainder of the classes will be of mixed groupings.


Year 10


In Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics  and Citizenship , Economics  and Business, Geography and History.

All students in Year 10 HASS complete the same course - slightly modified for the needs of each class. The classes are:

  • ONE Academic Extension class
  • At least two Advanced classes
  • The remainder of the classes, will be of mixed groupings.

The achievements in Year 10 HASS will determine continuation in HASS courses in Year 11 & 12.


Year 10 Electives


The following Year 10 electives are NOT pre-requisites to advanced courses in Years 11 & 12, but rather a stimulus to interest. For more detailed information about each elective, visit our Course Handbook page.


Year 10 Aboriginal Studies

Students learn about the diversity of Aboriginal societies and cross-cultural interaction between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians, past and present, using a process of social inquiry. Topics include in-depth studies of Indigenous languages, relationships with the environment and the ways in which Indigenous peoples survived in Australia's harsh climates, traditional and contemporary Indigenous art and music, and significant Indigenous historical and modern figures.

  • An elective in Year 10, one semester in duration
  • Either semester 1 or semester 2
  • Not a pre-requisite to Accounting & Finance for Years 11 & 12


Year 10 Business, Accounting and Finance

Learning and studying Business subjects prepares you to work in a great variety of settings, ranging from corporate, government and not-for-profit organisations, both in Australia and around the world. In this course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of some basic accounting and record keeping concepts used in every business environment.

  • One semester in duration
  • Either semester 1 or semester 2.
  • Not a pre-requisite to Accounting & Finance for Years 11 & 12


Year 10 Criminal Minds

This course examines the investigative field of police, forensics and law. Not only with investigations but the legal profession and how it is approached, the world of investigative law. Students will also learn about infamous criminals and forensic psychology.

  • One semester in duration
  • Either semester 1 or semester 2.


Year 10 Psychology

In Year 10 Psychology we deal with understanding "self", by looking at biological reasons for behaviour, how the brain works and how people change as they get older. Then we consider interaction with others and society. We also look at friendship groups, culture and society's values.

  • An introductory course to understanding concepts of Psychology
  • Either semester 1 or semester 2.
  • Not a pre-requisite to Psychology for Years 11 & 12



For further information about the Years 7-10 HASS curriculum, visit the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Year 11 & 12


Aboriginal and Intercultural Studies (General & ATAR)

Aboriginal histories and cultures are fundamental to the development of Australian identity and the formation of contemporary Australian society and as such are a focus of these courses.

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Accounting and Finance (ATAR)

The Accounting and Finance ATAR course focuses on financial literacy and aims to provide students with the knowledge, understandings and a range of skills that enables them to make sound financial judgements. Students develop an understanding that financial decisions have far reaching consequences for individuals and business.

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Business Management and Enterprise (General & ATAR)

The Business Management and Enterprise General course focuses on establishing and operating a small business in Australia and aims to provide students with an understanding of the knowledge and skills of the processes and procedures required for generating business ideas and turning them into a viable business venture. Factors that impact on business innovation and success, business planning, and legal aspects of running a small business are examined.  The Business Management and Enterprise ATAR course focuses on business planning, marketing and growth, and opportunities provided for business by technology and the global environment. Students examine factors that drive international business developments, the features and traits of successful management, and how businesses operate strategically to maximise business performance in a global setting.

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Economics (ATAR)

Economics investigates the choices which all people, groups and societies face as they attempt to resolve the ongoing problem of satisfying their unlimited wants with limited resources. Economics aims to understand and analyse the allocation, utilisation and distribution of scarce resources that determine our wealth and wellbeing.

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Geography (General & ATAR)

In the Geography General course students learn how to collect information from primary and secondary sources, such as field observation and data collection, mapping, monitoring, remote sensing, case studies and reports. Geography as a discipline values imagination, creativity and speculation as modes of thought. It develops students' knowledge about the interconnections between places and explores the spatial patterns and processes related to environments at risk, and to the protection of such environments through management at local, regional and global levels. The study of the Geography ATAR course draws on students' curiosity about the diversity of the world's places and their peoples, cultures and environments. It provides students with the knowledge and understanding of the nature, causes and consequences of natural and ecological hazards, international integration in a range of spatial contexts, land cover transformations, and the challenges affecting the sustainability of places.

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


History - Ancient (General & ATAR)

The Ancient History General course enables students to study life in early civilisations, based on the interpretation of the physical and written remains of different ancient societies. The study of ancient civilisations illustrates the development of distinctive features of contemporary societies; for example, social organisation and religion. The course also explores the possible motivations and actions of individuals, and how they shaped the political, social and cultural landscapes of the ancient world.  The Ancient History ATAR course enables students to evaluate life in early civilisations, based on the analysis and interpretation of physical and written remains which provide evidence for ancient sites, events and individuals. The study of ancient civilisations illustrates the development of distinctive features of contemporary societies; for example, social organisation, systems of law and religion. Students also examine the possible motivations and actions of individuals, and evaluate how they shaped the political, social and cultural landscapes of the ancient world. 

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


History - Modern (General & ATAR)

The Modern History General course provides students with an understanding of the driving forces behindpresent local and global issues. Investigating the past helps students to understand why and how groups and/or societies changed or resisted change. The Modern History ATAR course enables students to study the forces that have shaped today's world and provides them with a broader and deeper comprehension of the world in which they live. 

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Politics & Law (ATAR)

The Politics and Law ATAR course provides a study of the processes of decision making concerning society's collective future. It aims to develop the knowledge of the principles, structures, institutions and processes of political and legal systems primarily in Australia. It brings together the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government to demonstrate how society is governed and how each branch of government is held to account. It examines the democratic principles practised in Australia and makes comparisons with other political and legal systems.

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Psychology (General & ATAR)

In the Psychology General course students will be introduced to psychological knowledge which supports an understanding of the way individuals function in groups. Students learn about well-known psychological models and theories, and the methods used to conduct scientific investigations in the discipline of psychology.  In the Psychology ATAR course students will be introduced to psychological knowledge which supports an understanding of the way individuals think, feel and behave in different contexts. Students learn about major psychological theories, studies and models, and conduct scientific investigations.

For further information about this course, you can visit our Course Handbook page or the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.


Nationally Accredited Certificate Courses


Certificate qualifications are a pathway to WACE and employment for all students. Students will develop skills desired by employers and will place them in good stead for employment while embarking upon other studies post Year 12. Students choose which qualifications they undertake in conjunction with their Course Counsellors and their parents. Students will be required to complete the enrolment and induction with the appropriate Registered Training Organisation (RTO) partnering with Mount Lawley Senior High School to deliver the qualifications chosen. Upon successful completion of all units of competencies in the qualifications, students will be issued with the appropriate qualification by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO).


Certificate II in Workplace Skills


  • This is a one year qualification completed in Year 11.
  • Student enrolment is with the RTO, Skills Strategies (2401).


Certificate III in Business


  • This is a one year qualification completed in Year 12.
  • Students must complete the Certificate II in Workplace Skills in Year 11 as a prerequisite for this course.
  • Student enrolment is with the RTO, Skills Strategies (2401).


For further information about these courses, please visit our Course Handbook page.