Good Standing Policy


Last updated 20 February 2024


Taking a stand against anti-social behaviour is the shared responsibility of students, parents and carers, schools and local communities.

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1.0 Purpose


Good Standing acknowledges and rewards the majority of students who consistently demonstrate the expected behaviours that contribute to the creation of our positive school environment.  In developing young adults, loss of Good Standing assists students to learn through experience that their behaviour choices create their rewards and consequences.


2.0 Policy Application


This policy applies to all students enrolled at Mount Lawley Senior High School.


3.0 Policy


All students commence their enrolment/school year at Mount Lawley Senior High School with Good Standing.


Students retain their Good Standing by consistently demonstrating the expected values and attributes that contribute to successful learning in our school community.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • Behaviour – treating people and property with respect and abiding by school policies,
  • Participation – participating in course curriculum and assessment requirements,
  • Uniform – adhering to all aspects of the school uniform code as outlined in the school diary,
  • Attendance - being punctual to timetabled classes and scheduled activities,
  • Mobile phone usage – having their mobile phone or other electronic devices off and away and not being used at school unless under the direction of a staff member.


Activities that are additional to course curriculum and assessment requirements are considered a privilege and are therefore only accessible to students with Good Standing and by invitation earned through consistency of attendance, uniform and behaviour.  These activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Invitations to social events,
  • Attendance on camps,
  • Invitations to reward excursions and reward activities,
  • Participation at carnivals,
  • Representing the school in an external activity,
  • Expos,
  • Intrastate, interstate and international tours,
  • Leavers activities and Year 12 Awards Ceremony and Year 12 Ball, and
  • School leadership roles.


4.0 Procedures


Students are at risk of losing their Good Standing if they engage in behaviour that is inconsistent with school values and expectations.  Students whose behaviour places them at risk of losing Good Standing will be referred to an authorised staff member.


The staff members with delegated authority by the Principal to remove and reinstate Good Standing are the Program Coordinator – Student Services, Assistant Associate Principal and Associate Principal.


4.1 Loss of Good Standing


Students will lose their Good Standing for a period of ten (10) school weeks in the event of:


a) A serious one-off incident that results in suspension.

In the event a student is suspended from school, the student will automatically lose their Good Standing.


b)  A one-off incident that does not result in suspension but is still considered serious.

In the event of a serious one-off incident where the student is not suspended the student may lose their Good Standing. This will be determined by an authorised staff member dealing with the matter and is dependent upon the nature of the incident.


c) Students who incite a physical conflict, are involved in, film or distribute images of a physical conflict, or are party to watching a physical conflict as a bystander will be suspended and lose their Good Standing.


d) Students who are in possession of or consume alcohol, an illicit substance or vape, or are in the company of others consuming alcohol, an illicit substance, or vape will be suspended and lose their Good Standing.


e) Ongoing non-compliance.

In the event a student exhibits ongoing non-compliance the student will lose their Good Standing.

Ongoing non-compliance includes, but is not limited to:

  • Behaviour - Despite a range of strategies and supports, a student demonstrates an
    ongoing lack of respect for people and/or property and/or school policies.
  • Participation - Despite a range of strategies and supports, a student regularly refuses to participate in course curriculum and/or assessment requirements.
  • Uniform - Despite a range of strategies and supports, a student regularly refuses to adhere to the school uniform code as outlined in the school diary.
  • Attendance - Despite a range of strategies and supports, a student establishes a pattern of truancy or unexplained absences.
  • Mobile phone usage – Despite having their mobile phone confiscated at least twice previously, the student continues to use their mobile phone on school grounds contrary to the government requirement “off and away all day” from the time of entering school grounds until leaving school grounds at the end of the school day.
  • Breaches of Code of Conduct.
  • IT misuse – failure to follow directions around the effective use of IT/personal devices at school.


Students will lose their Good Standing for the duration of ten (10) school weeks.  The first day of loss of Good Standing will be outlined in the loss of Good Standing notification. 


4.2 Process for Recording and Communicating Loss of Good Standing


Good Standing can be removed by any authorised staff member.


a) Suspension – A suspension notice will be emailed to parents/caregivers. The suspension notice will outline the reason for suspension, and how to appeal loss of Good Standing.


b) Serious incident but no suspension – Notification will be emailed to parents/caregivers. The notification will outline the reason for Loss of Good Standing, the process for reinstatement of Good Standing and how to appeal loss of Good Standing.


c) Ongoing non-compliance.

An authorised staff member will issue a warning regarding loss of Good Standing to a student who has established a pattern of non-compliance.  Parents/caregivers will be notified of the warning by email or face to face meeting. This notification will be recorded in SEQTA.


In the event the student does not improve their behaviour, an authorised staff member will meet with the student to inform them of loss of Good Standing.  Parents/caregivers will be notified by email or face to face meeting. The notification will outline the reason for Loss of Good Standing, the process for reinstatement of Good Standing and how to appeal loss of Good Standing.


4.3 Recording of Loss of Good Standing


An individual student’s loss of Good Standing is communicated to staff through SEQTA.

All staff coordinating an activity considered to be a privilege and additional to course curriculum and assessment requirements, are expected to implement Good Standing with the approval of their line manager.

All correspondence seeking parent permission from parent/caregivers for student participation in an activity will make clear to students and parent/caregivers whether student participation in the activity is subject to Good Standing.

When an activity is subject to Good Standing and takes place during the school day, the coordinator of the activity will make provision through the Year Coordinator, Community Leader or Learning Area Program Coordinator for students who have lost Good Standing to undertake an alternate educative activity, supervised on the school site.


4.4 Appeal to Loss of Good Standing


An appeal to loss of Good Standing can be made in writing to the Program Coordinator - Student Services within three school days from the date of notification to parents/caregivers.  The appeal may be considered by a review panel.  The Program Coordinator - Student Services will notify the parent/caregivers of the outcome via email.

On appeal, students may discuss provisions and conditions to have their Good Standing reinstated prior to the notified date.  Conditions for early reinstatement of Good Standing will be considered on an individual basis.


4.5 Reinstatement of Good Standing


Good Standing is reinstated on the first day following the expiration date that was communicated to the student and parent/caregiver in the loss of Good Standing notification. An individual student’s reinstatement of Good Standing is communicated to staff through SEQTA.