Student Services

Our Student Services Department encompasses a range of staff and activities across the whole school community. We are primarily focused on student welfare, but provide spend a fair amount of time working with staff and families as well. Our team meet regularly to plan for and review our activities, as well as to case manage the various individuals we are supporting.

Students are given support, advice and counselling on educational, social, welfare, health and career needs.

Our Programs

The following programs are a taste of some of the things we are involved in through Student Services.

Bush Ranger Cadets

We have a thriving Cadet Unit that gathers together weekly for training on Monday afternoons, and participate in several camps throughout the year. The Unit's activities have an environmental focus, and are fully funded.

Foodbank Breakfast Program

A free breakfast is available each school day for students.

Chill Out Day

A health promotion initiative for Year 12 students highlighting the need for balance between the stress of exams and exercise, good nutrition and relaxation.

Coffee Club

Aimed at parents and friends of the school. An opportunity to catch up over a cup of coffee, and to speak with representatives from the staff.

Colours Program

Recognising the efforts and achievement of all students.


Two of our staff have trained as facilitators of this program and we also engage outside agencies to conduct programs targeted at particular students when needed.

DRUMBEAT is the world's first structured learning program using music, psychology and neurobiology to reconnect with ourselves and others and was developed by Holyoake. The name DRUMBEAT is an acronym for Discovering Relationships Using Music, Beliefs, Emotions, Attitudes, and Thoughts.

DRUMBEAT incorporates hand drumming, behavioural therapeutic principles and cognitive and dialectical elements to achieve positive outcomes. It is estimated that over 50,000 people around the world have participated in and experienced the benefits of the program so far. DRUMBEAT facilitates the social and emotional skills for healthy relationships and values.

DRUMBEAT won two prestigious awards at the WA Constable Care Child Safety Awards 2013, an Award for Excellence in Community Services in 2010, and was a finalist at the National Drug and Alcohol Awards in 2009.



Elevate is a company that provides study skills sessions to students of all years. Elevate's study skills seminars are designed to achieve behavioural change amongst students. It isn't enough that students simply understand what they need to do in their study. The challenge in any study skills program is getting students to use and apply the skills they learn. There are a number of presenters, current university students, who speak to small groups of students in each of the sessions. The topics covered in each year are:

  • Year 7 - Study Skills Kick Start
  • Year 8 - Junior Time Management
  • Year 9 - Memory Mnemonics
  • Year 10 - Study Sensei and Time Management
  • Year 11 - Student Elevation
  • Year 12 - Finishing Line

Ex-Prisoners of War Association Memorial Service

Our school is custodian of the Ex-POW (Prisoners of War) Memorial in Kings Park, and the school holds a ceremony annually. We are also represented at the Indigenous Veterans Service and a number of ANZAC Day events.

Health Expo

Focus on drug education for Middle School students. An opportunity for hands on learning and involving a variety of contributing agencies.

House Structure

Each student at the school is allocated to a House. These groupings are used for a variety of purposes, organisationally for Form groups, for sporting competitions and other



Insain is an organisation that conducts a program called Visionwork. They connect with young people through technology by asking the questions that matter. Once the young person's vision is discovered they acknowledge the barriers they perceive are stopping them from taking on opportunities. By offering a safe space for the young person to share their ideas, an understanding of what is practicable for the young person is identified, and they are connected with an Insain partner who is a professional in the field they would like to experience.

A group of approximately 30 Year 9, 10 and 11 students are chosen and undertake a 10 week, 3 hour a week, program.


Lawley Alumni

We have an active Alumni, with many reunions occurring annually. The school also celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2005.

Healthy Active Program

is a program designed to encourage physical activity, student wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle. One of the major developments was the installation of the Fitness Course on the top oval in 2010.


Social Events

There are a number of social activities that run throughout the year, including the School Ball, the Year 11 Mocktail Party, Year 10 Dinner Dance and a variety of river cruises.

Student Council

Student representatives from Years 7 to 12 regularly meet to discuss issues of concern to the student body. Their deliberations are then fed back to their Year Councils, the school's administration, the P&C or the School Board.



There are a number of important transition periods for students during their school life. The move into high school from primary school, the move from Middle School to Upper School, the transition into Senior School and then the movement into post-school opportunities are all important areas that the Student Services Team is involved in.