Parent Owned Notebook Use Policy
The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians has as one of its central components, the development and attainment of core competencies in information and communication technologies (ICT ) in a rapidly changing world. As part of our ongoing commitment to deliver the best ICT in an educational setting, we have had to look at an ICT model which is economically sustainable in order to continue to foster effective teaching and learning in all our learning areas. Students need to develop the essential skills to become effective and creative users of information and communication technologies.
It is with this in mind that a voluntary Parent Owned Model of laptops for students has been adopted. The Information Brochure below identifies many of the queries parents are likely to have as well as provide information and suggested action. The model will provide benefits such as ensuring that all students have access to laptops from their entry into high school to their completion of school. It will also enable teachers to develop ICT based strategies in their preparation and teaching as required. Laptops can play an integral part in a student's educational environment.
As a school, we are also aware that for some parents and carers the parent owned model may be financially challenging, however we believe it is in the best interests of each child to be able to access this technology as soon as practicable. Various options are available in the market place to minimise the initial cost outlay, including rent/buy options.
Students who do not own a laptop will still have access to computers in the laboratories and library and may borrow one for daily use and return it at the end of the day. It will not be permitted to be taken home unless determined by the school. Students who have their computers in for repairs or are awaiting insurance claims will be able to get a loan computer from the school. This will enable all staff and students to continue their learning programs without interruptions. Mount Lawley Senior High School is committed to ensuring students have equitable access to technology.