In addition to your laptop, the following accessories should be considered essential:
- Protective cover/case
- External Hard Drive for backing up the hard drive.
Buying your MacBook Air/Pro
Details about where to purchase, which models are available are available on the Purchasing Your MacBook Air/Pro section of our website.
Charging Your Laptop
It is the student's responsibilty to bring their laptop to school FULLY charged EACH day.
They will not be able to bring their chargers to school to recharge.
Protecting Your Laptop
The laptop needs to have a protective cover/case to protect the laptop.
Backing Up
Ensure that students have an external drive to back up their work using 'Time Machine" application which is on the MacBook Air/Pro.
This external drive should ONLY be used for this purpose.
Make sure that this external drive is kept at home and NOT brought to school.
Also ensure that a regular back up are done, it is suggested daily - so at the end of the day the student comes home, recharges their MacBook Air/Pro and backs up their work on the external drive using Time Machine. EVERY school day.
Further Information
All the information relating to MacBook Air/Pro laptops usage for students/parents can be found in the Parent Owned laptop policy that was distributed to all parents.
Choice Magazine have a review of low-cost laptops, including the MacBook Air/Pro. An introduction is available for free, and the full review can be accessed by Choice members.
Acceptable Use Agreement
Students will not be able to access the school Internet or any other ICT at the school until the Acceptable Use Agreement is signed and returned to the Main Administration Office.