Nominations for School Board 2024


The School Board of Mount Lawley Senior High School is committed to supporting the school to achieve the best outcomes for students. The School Board also plays an important role in establishing the directions of the school, contributing to good school governance and ensuring resources are used effectively for the benefit of students.  The Board membership has representatives from across the school community including parents/carers, teachers, senior students and the wider community.


There is a vacancy for TWO Parent/Carers Representatives on the School Board.


Parent/Carers representatives are appointed for a TWO-Year Tenure. The Board meets 7 times a year. Other meetings may be called from time to time.  The first meeting of the new 2024 School Board will be on Monday, 13 May 2024.


Parents/Carers interested in nominating for the vacant positions are asked to complete the Nomination Form and return it to Michael Camilleri by 4.00 pm on Friday, 15 March 2024.


By email to:


You may also deliver the nomination form to the Main Administration Office.


Your nomination must include your 200 word statement.


If there are more nominees than places available the principal will conduct an election  (Terms of Reference: 8.3).


Information on the role of the School Board is included with the nomination form. Should parents require further information please do not hesitate to contact Michael Camilleri on 92651500.