Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial Service
On Friday 6 May a very large crowd gathered in Kings Park for the Ex- Prisoners of War Memorial service. The service is held annually in partnership with the Ex-POW association. The school choir, prefects, and councillors took part with guests commenting on the outstanding efforts of the choir.
This year the Honourable Kim Beazley AC, Governor of Western Australia and The Honourable Mark McGowan MLA Premier of Western Australia attended, and both gave excellent speeches. Other attendees included local parliamentarians, members of the defence forces, representatives of many ex-service associations and veterans' families. The guest of Honour was WW2 veteran Arthur Leggett (103) who said the service was very moving and a fitting tribute to the Ex-Prisoners of War.
Aaliyah (Year 11) gave a wonderful Welcome to Country, Will (Year 12), one of our school captains, did an outstanding job as MC, Max (Year 12) recited the Lord's Prayer while Will (Year 12) read Psalm 121. Many of 220 guests present took the time to thank the school for hosting the moving ceremony. My thanks go to Ray Galliot, secretary of the EX-POW Association who played such a pivotal role in the success of the day.
Lesley Street | Principal