School Commendation by Education Director General


Last week the school was delighted to receive an unexpected visit from Ms Melesha Sands, Deputy Director General Schools. Ms Sands came to deliver a letter and Certificate of Commendation signed by the Honourable Sue Ellery MLC, Minister for Education and Training and Ms Lisa Rodgers, Director General of Education. The Certificate was for excellence in Year 12 outcomes in 2021.


In her letter the Director General said "Through our analysis of 2021 senior secondary student performance data, it is clear that Mount Lawley Senior High School has had a significant positive impact on Year 12 outcomes in 2021, and that you have maintained a strong focus on students fulfilling their learning potential.  She stated that  "… this achievement would not have been possible without their continued focus and efforts on supporting the best possible outcomes for students. Collectively you have provided an education that ensures your students are best placed for meaningful post -school opportunities."


It is pleasing to see our staff and students acknowledged by the Director General and the Minister of Education and Training.