Free Parent Workshop on Teenage Mental Health
As part of the ongoing partnership between Mount Lawley Senior High School and Headspace, and the school's commitment to offering students and their caregivers education and support around mental health and wellbeing topics, we are pleased to announce a FREE parent/caregiver workshop. The workshop will discuss adolescent mental health and aims to increase awareness, knowledge and skills in mental health literacy, accessing support and improving wellbeing in secondary students and their parents and carers. The workshop is interactive, strength-based and evidence-informed, to help parents and caregivers in identifying, supporting and responding to their children's wellbeing needs.
We are happy to welcome back Danika from Headspace who presented to our Year 10 students last term about self-care, who will deliver a presentation to parents and caregivers covering these topics:
Supporting young people: Notice, Ask, Connect
- Understand mental health and wellbeing in young people
- Notice changes that a young person might be going through a tough time
- Identify strategies to connect and communicate with young people
- Increase knowledge about how to support a young person and where to access professional support
Date: Thursday 25th November 2021 Time: 6pm - 8.30pm Venue: Edith Cowan University Mount Lawley campus, Lecture Theatre 17.157 (Education Building) Cost: FREE |
To secure your spot, please visit to book your seats.