FREE Positive Parenting Program: TEEN SEMINAR SERIES
Parents/carers are invited to attend free parenting seminars to learn practical, positive and effective ways to strengthen bonds with their teenagers, encouraging them to develop the skills to become independent and to successfully connect with the wider community.
The seminars are standalone and parents may choose to attend one, two or all three of the seminars. However, it is best to attend all three to get the full benefit of the program. The seminars are a presentation style format rather than fully interactive. However, there is a question and answer opportunity in the last 15 minutes of the seminar.
Wednesday 4 March Seminar One: Raising Responsible Teenagers
Wednesday 11 March Seminar Two: Raising Competent Teenagers
Wednesday 18 March Seminar Three: Getting Teenagers connected
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Venue: Mount Lawley Senior High School Staff Room – School Library
Cost: Free – however bookings are essential.