中文教学 四十周年纪念
On the 20th February, our school held a ceremony to celebrate 40 years of Chinese Language.
Prior to the formal ceremony, there was a tour to the ‘Anita Chong and Geoff Davis’ Chinese Classroom where the visitors were shown the Chinese resources within the classroom. Also in attendance was Anita Chong’s husband, James Chong.
The ceremony was opened by the School Language Captains Mei Lee & Michael.
Mr Michael Camilleri welcomed our important guests Mr Simon Millman, MLA, Member for Mount Lawley representing the Premier, Hon. Mark Gowan MLA, Madam Dong Zhi Hua, Consul General P.R.C. Perth, Dr Zheng Fu Associate Director of the Confucius Institute, UWA and Mr Geoff Davis AM, the School’s Foundation Teacher of Chinese.
Madam Dong Zhi Hua presented the Associate Principal Mr Michael Camilleri with a variety of Chinese books for the library.
There were many former Chinese Language students and teachers in attendance, including the Inaugural First Chinese Language class with student John Szymakowsk (1984), and other year groups Adrian Smith, Jason Holt (1990), Darcy Rowe(2009) and Finn Becroft (2017).
After the presentation, the Year 8 Gifted & Talented Chinese Language Students sang a song called “Two Tigers” which they adapted to the Chinese New Year, so the words tigers were replaced with the words ‘Rats’.
Thank you to the following students: Sophie, Taison, Shola, Jessica, Julian, Eladia, Gabriel , Shirin, Nawaal, Isabelle, Naaman, Hana and Nancy.
Link to the official Programme