Changes to Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE)
Connect letter to all families re-WACE changes for 2020
Statement by the Director General:
The Minister, on Thursday, 2 May 2019, announced changes to the Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) following a review undertaken by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) in consultation with school leaders, training providers, industry, parents and students,
Under the changes, students starting Year 11 in 2020 will have an additional option to achieve a WACE through completion of five General courses, that are moderated by SCSA. The new option will prepare students well for a range of post-school choices including alternative university entry, or training in a specialist area.
As always, we should be encouraging every student to undertake the most challenging courses they are capable of completing. VET remains as important as ever and funding for VET delivery will not be reduced. All students will still need to meet the other requirements, including literacy and numeracy, to achieve a WACE.
Attached are questions and answers to provide greater clarity on the changes.
Link to Channel 9 news video (Facebook) here.