VET TEACHER TRAININGvet-trainers.png

On Wednesday, September 4, all of the teachers who deliver Vocational Educational and Training (VET), attended a professional develop session at the John Forrest Trade Training Centre.

The teachers undertook a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) under the Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA) VET Capability Framework. The TNA results will be analysed and future PD organised to upskill the VET teachers.

A representative of MPA Skills, Mark,  then delivered a session addressing the Rules of Evidence and Principles Assessment to ensure that the teachers’ methods of assessment were current and in line with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) 2015.

After morning tea, we toured the Trades Training Centre in both the painting and plumbing areas.

Under the supervision of Stuart, the Plumbing Trainer from MPA Skills, we each made a copper candelabra, using the up to date techniques involved in the plumbing industry…crimping…not soldering…

It was an informative and highly entertaining session!!

Catherine Smith (VET Coordinator)