Dyslexia Speld Foundation Presentation for Parents
The P&C has acquired the services of the Dyslexia Speld Foundation who will be presenting a session for parents on Wednesday 25th July from 6.30-8.00pm in the staffroom at the main administration block of the school.
This presentations is designed for parents and professionals interested in the area of literacy learning difficulties and learning disabilities and provide some preliminary answers to the following questions:
- What does current research tell us about reading acquisition?
- Why do some children struggle with reading and writing?
- What is a learning disability?
- What is dyslexia?
- What are the causes?
- What can we do about it?
- How important is the school / home partnership?
- What resources do DSF provide that would assist parents and students?
The presenter is Kim Blood, BA (Hons), MPsych (Ed. & Dev.), Dip. Ed (Spec. Ed).
Kim is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist at DSF Literacy and Clinical Services where she assesses children, teenagers and adults with learning difficulties and disabilities.
She also consults with parents on appropriate evidence-based classroom and individual strategies to improve literacy.