Parent Feedback Trial – Round Two
In 2016, Mount Lawley Senior High School began the process of embedding best practice on effective feedback into our school as part of the Visible Learning program.
To ensure the process is the most effective and efficient for all involved, we conducted a trial in term 4 with selected classes using the Education Department's Connect program as the platform for our feedback to be made accessible for students and parents.
The survey responses and evidence gathered from that trial, indicated that while teachers, parents and students all responded positively to the concept of effective feedback and the value of embedding it in our school, the logistics of using Connect (which is not specifically designed for feedback) were not as successful.
With our aim to make the process easily accessible to all involved, we have decided to run a second trial, this time using SEQTA which is the platform we currently use for recording attendance at Mount Lawley.
SEQTA has specific tools for feedback within the program and it is hoped this will make the documenting and sharing of teacher feedback on assessment and student created learning goals, simple and effective for everyone.
Selected classes throughout Senior and Middle school will be part of the trial starting in term one and finishing in term 2.
If your child is in one of the classes, you should receive a letter in the post with details of the trial and how you will receive your registration for SEQTA.
At this stage, only parents with children in the trial classes will be provided access to SEQTA for the purposes of the trial.
Survey's and the opportunity to provide feedback on the trial will be given to all students, teachers and parents involved in round two of the feedback trial.
These will be sent out towards the end of Term 2.
An analysis of the surveys and a final decision on how we proceed with the whole school will be made in semester 2 this year.
The outcomes of the trial will be shared with the school community so keep your eye out for further news on effective feedback.