P&C Election Results 2017
The Mount Lawley SHS Parents & Citizens Association Inc. would like to congratulate the following members elected at the recent AGM.
Vice-President: Niall Kilcullen
Treasurer: Mark Westera
Secretary: Karen Johnston
Minutes Secretary: Sharon Cockroft
Committee Members: Sue Faranda, Suzie Barnes
Delegate to the Finance Committee: Gary Cockroft
Delegate to the Health Committee: Carolyn Sandell
Website and Email List Co-ordinator: John Pryor
Auditor: Ian McCallum
Current Vacant Positions
Several positions remain vacant for the 2017 committee
If you are interested in nominating for any of these positions or would like more information please contact Jo Furness, Past President, on 0407 302 674 or email jo@insighteye.com.au
You can also attend the next meeting scheduled for Monday, 27 March 2017 in the Main Administration Building at 7:00pm.
Why Join the P&C?
Joining the P&C has many benefits
- Experience how things work first hand.
- Build strong relationships.
- Be part of building a strong School Brand.
- Contribute to the growth and future success of the school.
- Help to make up a valuable community knowledge resource.
- Have your say.
Vacancies and their Roles
The key task of the president is to ensure that the needs and wishes of the parent body are given a voice and that good relationships are establish with the principal and school.
This role includes:
- Planning and chairing meetings in consultation with the secretary and principal.
- Ensure meetings run according to the agenda.
- Ensure fair discussion and all are given the opportunity to speak.
- Ensure decisions are carried out.
- Sending out updates and reminders.
- Presenting reports to P&C general meetings.
P&C Representative on the School Board
The key task of the P&C Representative on the School Board is to represent the P&C at School Board meetings. This will enable parents and members of the community to engage in activities that are in the best interest of students and will enhance the education provided by the school.
This role includes:
- Attending School Board and P&C meetings.
- Presenting a report to the School Board about P&C meetings.
- Presenting a report to the P&C about School Board meetings.
- Establishing and reviewing the school's objectives.
- Taking part in the planning of financial arrangements.
- Formulating codes of conduct for students at the school.
- Providing advice to the principal on general policy.
P&C Delegate to the Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACCSO) Conference
The key task of the P&C Delegate to the WACCSO Conference is to enhance the P&Cs knowledge. WACCSO strives to influence in a positive way, the future direction of education for the benefit of students.
This role includes:
- Attending the WACCSO Conference.
- Presenting a report to the P&C about the WACCSO Conference.
- Gathering resources and receiving training to enhance knowledge.
- Clarifying any misconceptions.
- Obtaining advice.