Year 10 Parent Information Evening 2016
There is a parent information evening for all parents of Year 10 students on Tuesday 14 June at 7.00 pm in the Education Lecture Theatre, ECU Mt Lawley Campus, Room 17.157.
This is an opportunity to hear of the courses being offered in Year 11 next year for your child and to ask any questions of each of the learning area Program Coordinators.
You should have received a letter outlining the course selection process and requesting some preferred times for a copunselling interview with your allocated counsellor. If you have not received this letter please telephone the Senior School office on 94710300 or see someone on Tuesday night.
Monday 13 June or Tuesday 14 June your child will be issued a letter showing recommended courses for 2017 based on their semester one results. These will be used in the counselling interview to determine a course for your child for Year 11.
Interviews will be held over four days, commencing Friday 17 June, between 8 am and 4.00 pm.
Neil Hudson
Student Services Coordinator