Pathways Presentation for Year 10
On Wednesday the 11th of May between 7.00 and 9.00pm there will be a Pathways Presentation looking at post compulsory options.
This is of particular importance for Year 10 students and will link with their subject selections for Year 11.
This evening will have two components:
- Staff from the South Metropolitan TAFE College will present information on courses available, eligibility for enrolment and relevance for pathways to employment and/or university entrance.
- Representatives from the University of WA, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and Notre Dame University come together for a combined presentation on courses and entry requirements.
The presentation will be delivered at ECU, Mt Lawley Campus in Lecture Theatre Room: 17.157.
For further information regarding these presentations, please do not hesitate to contact Catherine Smith in Student Services or 9471 0312.