Alumni Returns for ANZAC Day 2016
The school was proud to invite Lieutenant Colonel Gaye Donley to be our guest at this year's ANZAC Day assembly.
As a past student of Mount Lawley SHS, Gaye spoke of her experiences and understanding of ANZAC Day.
Having graduated from MLSHS, Lieutenant Colonel Donley travelled extensively overseas before going on to complete engineering qualifications and a masters degree in business.
Her career has been wide-ranging and prior to full time service with the Army, she ran her own consulting business. Lieutenant Colonel Donley has served as a Signals Officer with the Army initially on a part time basis before going on to full time service.
Her Army career highlights include postings as the ADC to the State Governor Sir Francis Burt; Commanding a Signals Squadron; working in international engagement and commanding the Defence Operations Centre which provides all communications for Defence in Australia and to all overseas operations.
She has had operational service that includes Bougainville, Solomon Islands and Afghanistan.
Our School Prefects also represented the school and laid a wreath at the Mount Lawley War Memorial Service on ANZAC Day, and the school had student representatives at ANZAC Day Services in Sandakan, Borneo, and at Hellfire Pass in Thailand.