School Photo Day is Coming!
School Photo Day Thursday 17th March ALL DAY.
Catchup Day and group photos Tuesday 5 April.
Your child will receive a Kapture Photography order envelope to bring home.
The recommended method of ordering your photos is online through Kapture's website as your payment is secure and can be easily verified at any time.
Alternatively you can pay by cash and return the provided envelope to the school on the photography day.
If you place your order online please DO NOT return your envelope to school.
Order can be done online at The online order code is LDSHNW.
Any parent who forgets or is unable to supply their envelope on the photo day will have five (5) days to complete an order online.
Late payment envelopes cannot be accepted by the school office or by Kapture.
Kapture offer a money back guarantee for any parent who is not fully satisfied with their photo package.
Should you have any queries before or after photo day, please direct them to the Kapture office on 9240 1714 or email
All students will be photographed individually on photo day for school administration records AS WELL as included in their class group photo available for purchase to all families.
Anne Tumak