Anita Chong, OAM
It is with great sadness that this week, the school heard of the passing of our long-time Chinese teacher, Anita Chong.
Her contribution to and presence in our school will be greatly missed, and our condolences go to her family at this difficult time.
Anita has made significant contributions to the teaching of Chinese in Western Australian schools for over 30 years, and has been our teacher of Chinese Language since 1992.
Anita mentored and coached our students on state, national and international language competitions and facilitated students on international tours, igniting their passions, as seen by former students who have become successful ambassadors in many areas.
Mount Lawley SHS has become a beacon for Chinese teaching in WA helped by Anita's knowledge and strength by her commitment over a long period of time.
Anita has facilitated many Chinese International tours and provided support and local knowledge to our students and accompanying staff and parents.
Special memories include Anita's first tour with her colleagues and students and her many subsequent tours since 1993.
Anita strongly believed that students, parents and staff be immersed in Chinese culture, and what better way to do this than by taking them to China on school tours.
This was but the beginning of a lifetime devoted to creating possibilities for others.
Anita's community involvement at Mount Lawley SHS and primary schools extend to events such as the Panda Picnic, whole school Chinese festivals, the setting up of Sister School relationships (which are still active today), and through the Asia Literacy and the Asia Education Foundation.
She has achieved many milestones throughout those years achieving great recognition and respect from state, national and international bodies.
Anita was the Founding member (1984) Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President (1984- 2004), President (2005-2011), Advisor (2012+ ) of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of WA; Founding Member, Secretary (1994-2011) and President (2011-2015) of the Chinese Language Teachers Federation of Australia.
In 2000 Anita was named as "Outstanding Chinese Language Educator" by the Government of the People's Republic of China.
These are only a snapshot of her involvement in Chinese Language.
The recent award of the Australian Government in recognition of Anita's work was the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) she received this year "For service to foreign language education as a teacher and to professional organisations".
Anita has always been known for her capacity to get along with people and has embraced the changing nature of education throughout the decades.
A collegiate person who shares her knowledge, Anita has always been open to suggestions to try and improve things.
Being true to the adage of never being too old to learn, Anita embraced technologies and new ideas, video conferencing with schools in China and clearly understanding that international communications were going to be a significant part of a students' future.
She will be missed greatly by both our school and the broader Chinese education community.
Dear Mr Butcher,
We have learned with deep sorrow the sad news of the passing of respected Mrs Anita Chong. Please allow us, on behalf of all the staff of the Confucius Institute at the University of Western Australia, to extend our heartfelt condolences and profound sympathy to your school and, through you, to Mrs Chong 's family during this period of shock and distress.
We had the privilege of knowing Mrs Chong for years and we realise the great loss of her passing away. She was a great friend to us Confucius Institute and it has come as a big jolt to us that she is not with us anymore.
The name of Mrs Anita Chong will live forever in the hearts of her students, colleagues and those many who admired and respected her as a passionate pioneer and dedicated Chinese language teacher of Mount Lawley Senior High School.
Eternal glory to Anita Laoshi.
Xianlin Song Xianhua Chu
Director Associate Director
Confucius Institute
University of Western Australia
Dear CLTAWA Members and Friends,
It is with deepest sadness that I write to advise Anita Chong OAM, one of CLTAWA and CLTFA founders, former Chinese language teacher at Mt Lawley Senior High School, has passed away in the early morning of 17 January 2016, after a very brave battle with cancer.
我怀着极其悲痛的心情宣布西澳中文教师协会和全澳中文教师联会缔造者之一, 前Mt Lawley 中学中文教师林少莲女士OAM 经过与癌症顽强搏斗,于2016 年1 月 17 日凌晨与世长辞。
It is a very sad day and a great loss not only for her husband James, 3 daughters and their respective families but also for the Chinese language teaching community in WA as well as in Australia. Her exemplary teaching, knowledge, dedication, contribution and mentoring will be greatly missed.
这是极其悲痛的一天。她的辞世不仅是她丈夫,三个女儿和家庭的悲痛损失,也是 整个西澳,乃至全澳中文教育届无法弥补的损失。我们将永远缅怀她对中文教育杰出的贡献。
Our prayers and thoughts are with James and the family.
我们为James 及其家人祈祷。Warmest regards,
Bonnie Woo
Chinese Language Teachers' Association of Western Australia (CLTAWA)