Middle School Bike Club 'Dismantled'
A generous grant from the school's Finance Committee has benefited greatly the ten lucky Community Two (Year 7) students in the school's Bike Repair and Literacy Program, by enabling us to employ Dismantle to run a nine hour Bike Maintenance Course.
This is a course that has been run successfully at other high schools.
In the first, one hour session, which was held today students learned about brakes and chains.
Jeremy who represented Dismantle, ran such a slick and engaging session that students happily worked through much of their lunch break.
To our students' credit, Jeremy was very impressed with their application and behaviour.
So take a bow, Matt, Justin, Conor, Lucy, Lily, Jude, Ethan and Paul, for working so diligently in teams of two.
To all those people in the school and local communities who continue to supply us with bikes, thank you for providing our most essential resource.