Year 7 Academic Extension Class
After an extensive review of the Academic Extension classes at Mount Lawley Senior High School since the beginning of the term, we are now in the position to offer selected students an opportunity to become a part of our Academic Extension program.
Before making offers to students we have considered past NAPLAN data, School Reports, Academic performance this year and how well students have transitioned into high school.
Student progress in Academic Extension classes is closely monitored and students who are not achieving to the high standards of Academic Extension classes or don't display an appropriate commitment to their studies will be moved out of the Academic Extension class.
All students' positions in the class are reviewed each term. Individual reviews occur at point of need.
During these classes, in addition to the usual range of strategies which we adopt to cater for the needs of students with special abilities, students will be provided with opportunities to learn at a faster rate, to work with abstract ideas and problem solving tasks, and to engage in more challenging work.
Parents of students offered a place in our Academic Extension class have been contacted via a letter with the option of accepting or declining the offer.
Monitoring and movement of students will be coordinated by Community Leaders and will involve communication with parents.
The Community Leader for your child's Community will be your best contact person if you would like to discuss the Academic Extension program at any stage.
The Year 8 Academic Extension class will reviewed over the next couple of weeks.
Parents will be notified in due course if there are any changes to class numbers as a result of this review.
Yours sincerely
Michael White, Associate Principal, Middle School
February 2015