Year 10 Subject Selection Information
Thank you to the parents who were able to join us at the information evening held on Tuesday 10 June 2014.
The event was very well attended and we hope that the information provided has been useful as you make plans for the selection of subjects in Year 11 and 12.
The Year 10 Subject Selection Counselling program is now underway.
You should already have received a letter outlining the process, as well as an indication of recommended subjects and a booking slip.
You need to schedule an appointment with your appointed subject counsellor - this appointment is attended by both student and parents.
To be enrolled in Year 11, your course selections must be lodged by your Subject Counsellor.
Counselling appointments have started and will conclude on Tuesday 17 June 2014.
If you have not yet booked your counselling session, please contact the school ASAP to do so, either by email or phone 9471 0300.
Further information is also available from the following sources: