RSL Community Achievement Award for Mount Lawley SHS
The school was honoured to be presented with an Australia Day Community Achievement Award from the Returned Services League of Western Australia at today's ANZAC Day Commemoration.
The Award was presented by Mr Denis Connelly, State Vice President of the RSL, and Mr Phil Orchard, CEO of RSLWA.
The Award was presented to the school to acknowledge the way we work "closely with the Ex-POW Association on various matters, including various awards to students, a Cadet of the Year Award for the school Cadet Unit, and also work together to sponsor two students to go on a tour of the Thai-Burma Railway each year."
The school has "also adopted the Ex-POW Association Memorial in Kings Park in 1997 and have since conducted the Annual Memorial Service on behalf of the Association"
The school has also engaged in the Honouring Indigenous War Graves program, and is involved in the Indigenous Veterans Memorial Service annually.
The school is very proud of our association with the Ex-POW Association, Indigenous Veterans and the Returned Services League, and are very proud to receive this Award.
We look forward to our future interactions.