Year 12 High Achiever's Breakfast
On Wednesday the 11th of September, 70 ATAR (University bound) and VET (Vocational Education and Training) Year 12 students were invited to breakfast to acknowledge their outstanding achievement in their courses of study and certificate courses.
Lisa Hose, the 2010 winner of The Biggest Loser shared with the students the journey that she undertook from being accepted, then participating and eventually winning this nationally televised program.
The fact that Lisa had to overcome many hurdles including being away from her husband and two daughters for six months and suffering from debilitating injuries, made her being the first female to win this challenge even more outstanding.
Lisa was humble in her success and she spoke about the small achievable goals that she set herself, her capacity to acknowledge what she could do well and how she communicated with her mentor when she needed support in the face of adversity - or even when she simply felt overwhelmed.
The message that she gave the students was well received with students understanding the importance of setting small goals, looking within at their own achievements and seeking support from mentors. All of which will assist students as they leave high school to begin the next stage in their life's journey.
The students then moved to the Hospitality Room, where the Years 11 and 12 Certificate II in Hospitality students served a delicious breakfast. The Hospitality students had planned the menu and cooked the food as part of their certificate course.
This Breakfast was the third celebration for the year. In Term One, David Sherwood, the 2013 WA Rhodes Scholar shared study tips and talked about volunteering to help those less fortunate.
In Term Two, Richard Goyder AO, Chief Executive Officer of Wesfarmers Limited, talked about being a country boy from Western Australia and his success. He was able to offer advice on the successful transition from school to study to employment.
We are grateful to all three guest speakers who volunteered their time to spend with our high achieving students. We also acknowledge the work and commitment from Ms Janice Gunn our teacher of the Hospitality course and the Hospitality students in preparing and serving the invited guests and students amazing breakfasts.
Three breakfasts will be planned again for 2014.