Year 9 Camp 2013
195 Year 9 students have been enjoying the rain and fun of their camp at Forest Edge near Waroona.
The camp marks the beginning of their transition into senior school, with both of the Year 9 communities mixing together for the two three-day camps held over the week.
The students worked in small groups, in activities including abseiling, climbing, the pamper pole, flying fox, sea biscuits, raft building and canoeing.
The weather this year has put a bit of a damper on things (and by damp, we mean regular and thunderous rain), however, the students have participated enthusiastically, enjoying the opportunity to get back to the warmth and showers in the accommodation block at the end of each day.
Congratulations to all of the Year 9's who made the camp such a great success, and great thanks to the 15 staff from Middle School and Student Services who attended and enabled it to happen.