Year 10 Carnival Wrap
The Year 10 students from Mount Lawley SHS competed in a regional carnival against 10 schools on Thursday, May 16th.
The competing schools were Ellenbrook, Ballajura, Mirrabooka, John Forrest, Hampton, Morley, Lockridge. Eastern Hills, Swan View and Governor Stirling.
The sports students participated in were Netball, AFL, soccer (Boys & Girls), Volleyball (Girls), Basketball (Boys), Floorball (Boys & Girls).
AFL - 1st
Floorball - 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th
Volleyball - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Basketball - 1st (A), 2nd (B), 3rd (C)
Soccer (Boys) - 3rd (A), 3rd (B)
Netball - 4th (A), 5th (B), 1st (C)
Congratulations to all the Year 11 coaches & umpires for doing such a great job.
Also, well done to all the Year 10 students on your excellent behaviour, participation and enthusiasm in representing Mount Lawley SHS.