Our New Pitch Unveiled
In perhaps the last phase of the moving of Mt Lawley Primary School to the high school site after their devastating fire, our new soccer pitch has finally been completed.
The top oval has, over the last few weeks, been marked out and had a back net installed to prevent wayward balls from entering other parts of the school.
Adding to this a set of portable goals means that we are finally ready to host some games.
The Junior Girls Team gave the ground its first run through last Tuesday afternoon, and the Junior Boys and Junior Girls will play their first games on the pitch next week.
A big thank you to Suzie, our Healthy Active Coordinator, and Andrew, our School Chaplain, for their work over the last few months in researching and making the arrangements.
The pitch is a fabulous addition to the school, and we look forward to some great results from the games that will be played on it ... Lets go Lawley!