Interschool Swimming 'A' Division Carnival 2013
After a wonderful performance in the 2012 'B' Division Carnival, Mount Lawley SHS was this year promoted and competed in the 'A' division carnival at Challenge Stadium on Friday, March 15.
The team was enthusiastic, and looked great in the school PE uniform as it was addressed by the Principal, Mr Butcher.
There was, unfortunately, a huge difference in the standard of swimming in 'A' division from 'B' division, and Mount Lawley struggled for points against a strong opposition.
Our Year 10 boys performed very well, being competitive in all events, and with Paris being named as champion boy.
Congratulations to all the swimmers for giving of your best in the pool and being excellent school representatives.
- Churchlands 868
- Shenton 678
- Perth Modern 671
- Rossmoyne 639
- Applecross 499
- Carine 407
- Willeton 392
Paris, Year 10