Hackett Wins Swimming Carnival!
After a winning streak that included 11 of the last 12 years, Forrest fell to second place in the this year's Swimming Carnival.
The Hackett Machine proved unbeatable in Middle School, winning the Middle School Championship, and placing second in Senior School to Forrest by only 30 points.
Their overall win was by over 150 points.
Congratulations to Mr Howard and the Phys Ed staff for running a fantastic Carnival, and to all of the staff who acted as timekeepers, marshalls and in the House Bays.
Congratulations also to the students who attended the Carnival and participated so well.
Middle School Swimming Championship
Hackett - 1024
Forrest - 817
O'Connor - 766
Murdoch - 618
Senior School Swimming Championship
Forrest - 893
Hackett - 863
Murdoch - 518
O'Connor - 457
Overall Swimming Championship
Hackett - 1887
Forrest - 1710
O'Connor - 1223
Murdoch - 1136
2013 House Shield Update ...
The Results of the Swimming Carnival bring our current 2013 House Points tally to the following;
Hackett - 3442
Forrest - 3296
O'Connor - 2611
Murdoch - 2212