Inter-House Soap Racing
A fantastic competition completed today between the Houses in both Middle and Senior Schools.
The international sport of Soap Racing was before them, with each House given a bucket of water and a cake of soap.
On the 'Go!' command, the race was on - the first team to completely dissolve their soap (no breaking it, no scraping it) would win.
With the teams getting themselves into quite a lather, it was all good, clean fun.
Congratulations to Forrest in the Senior School, who went neck and neck with O'Connor, as well as to Hackett in Year 8 and Murdoch in Year 9.
International Soap Racing will return ... but probably not for a while.
Results Senior School
Forrest (100 points) | O'Connor (70 points) | Murdoch (50 points) | Hackett (25 points)
Results Year 8
Hackett (100 points) | Murdoch (70 points) | Forrest (50 points) | O'Connor (25 points)
Results Year 9
Murdoch (100 points) | O'Connor (70 points) | Forrest (50 points) | Hackett (25 points)
Updated House Shield Results
A fantastic competition this year. If we stopped right now, 3 different Houses would be walking away with a Shield - well done everyone!
Middle School
O"Connor | Forrest | Hackett | Murdoch
Senior School
Hackett | Forrest | O'Connor | Murdoch
Forrest | Hackett | O'Connor | Murdoch