Lawley Update #1 Available
Copies of our school newsletters are available for download from the website.
From Lawley Update 2013#01
Welcome to all students, parents and staff to the 2013 school year. The year for students commenced smoothly with the school's timetable commencing from the first morning. A special welcome to all Year 8 students and I trust that they have settled well and are enjoying their high school experience.
In terms of Technology results, the systemic NAPLAN and MSE 9 results were pleasing. These were reported last year. With the Year 12 results, there were some positives, with some very good results, and some concerns. The highlights were:
Graduation rate (98.33%) above the State average.
1 student with ATAR of 99 or higher.
29 students with ATAR of 90 or higher.
34.81% of students with ATAR of 80 or higher.(This is the lowest ATAR that will lead to entry in anyWA public university.)
2 Certificates of Distinction - Mathematics andInformation and Communications.
6 Certificates of Commendation (20 'A' Grades orbetter over Year 11 and 12).
9 WACE subjects above the State average.
11 WACE subjects above the Like School average.
- 1 Top 10 subject - Computer Science.
Congratulations to 2012 Dux, Kingsley Nguyen, who achieved a number of awards. He gained a 99+ ATAR, a Certificate of Distinction in Mathematics and a Certificate of Commendation. Other students who achieved the latter were Megan Sawyer, Kingsley Nguyen, Gurashish Bhatia, Katherine Tan, Jun Ho Jung and Danica Vo.
In 2012, the school achieved a first with Alexander Vuduris being awarded a VET Certificate of Distinction in the Information and Communications domain. This is a very prestigious award and only awarded to a very few students studying a subject. Congratulations to Alex.
The main concern around student performance was the ATAR, which again fell in 2012. This has an effective impact on a range of performance measures such as the university entrance rate, the percentage of students who achieve a 75% score, the percentage of students in the top one third of the State and the Attainment Rate. Whilst the school's Attainment Rate was still well above the State mean, the decline was disappointing.
When the spread of ATAR scores is considered, 21 out of 159 ATAR students gained an ATAR of less than 55. Many of these students studied a program that was too difficult for them. A number were recommended to change programs, however, chose not to change.
There is a message here for parents when staff discuss pathways with you. An ATAR of less than 55 is not sufficient to gain a place in any university in Australia.
Students with a low ATAR often find that they do not generally get places in the training sector either as training institutions value Certificates.
Staff have a good understanding of what a student is likely to achieve based on work in Year 10 or Year 11. If a Year 12 pathway is an issue and this is discussed with you, please consider the long term implications of what your child is best placed to achieve. Staff have the best interests of students at heart. There are many ways to university and a 55 ATAR or lower will not get there. A training place pursued after school can lead to university.
The school runs a range of Certificate level courses and these are recommended to students. A Certificate II is an excellent grounding for post-school study in the training domain. Successful study can lead to a university place, and often, with a lower HECS commitment.
When students are looking at future courses, their ability to complete it successfully should be considered. For those in a university pathway, frankly not gaining an ATAR of 55 or better, is a poor choice. A VET pathway, with a Certificate II, would be a much wiser selection.
Students studying the most relevant program for them will have an impact on improving Year 12 performance measures and happier students post-school when they move into an area of choice.This is the goal of the school's staff and many are very happy to discuss the best pathway for your child with you. Please consider their advice carefully.
National Gallery of Australia Scholarship
Congratulations are also extended to Head Boy, Jack, who completed a scholarship week with the National Gallery of Australia. Jack was one of 16 Art students in Australia selected for this prestigious event. Jack had the opportunity to tour the Gallery's exhibitions, participate in workshops and meet prominent artists. The Gallery also presented the school with several volumes for the library. Jack will present these to the library at the next assembly.
It was pleasing to see an improved attendance result for Semester 1, 2012 with the school achieving a 90% benchmark. The 2013 Year 12 group was the major concern with an 88% rate. 101 girls were not present for 90% of the time. This must improve if students are to achieve their best. When students are absent, parents have a legal obligation to advise the school and this can be done through a telephone call, SMS, email or a note. Please ensure this is done.
Teacher/Parent Contact
Form teachers have been asked to make contact with parents in Term 1. This presents an opportunity to interact with your child's Form teacher. The Year 8 and Year 10 parent BBQ, which are scheduled shortly, also allow the opportunity to speak informally with teachers.
New Buildings
Late last year, the Minister for Education, the Hon Peter Collier MLC, visited and announced a $2 million music facility. This will be incorporated into the planned Year 7 block and work on this is progressing. Construction is expected to commence later in the year.
Enrolments 2014
The school continues to be under intense enrolment pressure due to urban growth in our area and high demand from outside. A number of requests by families cannot be acceded to. For 2014, it is highly unlikely that we will be able to endorse any cross-boundary sibling enrolments. Whilst these will continue to be considered in the overall position, the forecast growth for 2014 from the local area is significant.
Changes to Upper School from 2016
Parents will be aware that the government is looking at changes to upper-school from 2016. There will be no change for this year and Year 11 students must still complete Stage 2 examinations unless exempted due to a VET course. Whilst the 2016 measures will be worked through, they will impact on the current Year 9 group. More information will be provided as circumstances change.
Milton Butcher, Principal