Week 2 Term 4 - November 2012

As this Update hits homes, the WACE examinations have commenced and will run for most of November.

Whilst most examinations for students are conducted at school, for small canditure subjects, students do need to go to other venues.

It is vital that Year 12 students know their timetable, including venues and start times for all subjects.

Best wishes are extended to all Year 12 students completing WACE examinations.

A number attended school during the first two weeks and took part in structured revision and received feedback from Semester 2 school examinations.

All members of the school community extend to them their best.

The Year 12 cohort was farewelled on Friday, 26 October 2012 with a breakfast, their final assembly and a group photograph.

There were several disagreeable incidents on Thursday, the overwhelming number of exiting students behaved well.

The assembly was the best seen at the school in the last five years in terms of respect for younger students.

The group exited with a keen sense of dignity and the staff acknowledge the manner with which they left.

Thank you for demonstrating such a mature approach.

The Andrew Davis Award was made by the parents of Andrew Davis who attended Mount Lawley SHS in the late 1970s and was killed tragically when goal posts fell on him whilst playing soccer.

The honour board was "lost" for a number of years and found late last year by the school Chaplain, Mr Andrew Paul.

A decision was made to continue the award, 20 years after it was last made. It is for a student making a significant contribution in the areas of music and art, subjects that Andrew Davis enjoyed.

The Prefects for 2013 were also announced, including 2013 Head Girl (Teleah) and Head Boy (Jack). The Prefect group includes: Rachel, Anjali, Emily, Emma, Amorette, Rachel, Jasmine, Tron, Zachary, Nicholas.

Congratulations are also extended to the School's Inter-Athletics team and the school supervising staff.

Mount Lawley SHS won the 'D' division by over 500 points and this augers well for promotion to 'C' division in 2013.

A number of students were also awarded the accolade of age group champion.

The House competition was also decided with O'Connor winning the Middle School shield, and Forrest the Senior School shield and O'Connor being the overall wining House.

Congratulations to the winning House and to all students who earnt points during the year.