Sea Explorers
Class of 1968-1969
Alumni Mentors
After building their friendships at school in the 1960's, and then going out in the world to forge careers and build their families, several students from the Class of 1969 would catch up regularly to re-live their glory days on an annual fishing trip.
Discussing the way that 'young people' had changed since they were at school, they decided to challenge themselves on the issue - rather than complaining about it, why don't they do something about it.
So in 2010, they held a meeting with the Student Services Team at the school, and the 'Sea Explorers Alumni Mentoring Program' was born.
The program runs on Fridays, with the boys spending the day with the Mentor team. They undertake a series of activities themed around the ocean, including fishing, sailing, power boating (the boys all obtained their Recreational Skippers Ticket), snorkelling, cooking seafood, visits to museums, AQWA and camps at Rottnest and Busselton.
Of perhaps the greatest value, however, was the opportunity the boys had to work with the Mentor Team. Their genuine friendship, their attitude to work and responsibility and their attention to details such as eye contact and a good handshake all went together to form a very special opportunity for the 7-10 boys who took part each year.
Initially, and at considerable expense, the program was funded almost entirely from their own pockets. In 2012, the initial team were joined by members of the Class of 1968, and soon after, the program received funding from Variety.
Over the years, the 'Mentor Roster' has changed a number of time according to availability and circumstances of individuals. It has also grown to include. others who grew up in Mount Lawley, even if they didn't attend the school.
Their contributions however, have continued to be significant in the lives of the students they have mentored, with those mentoring relationships sometimes lasting until well after the boys have left school.
Initial members were:
- Steven Alfrich (1969)
- Don Beard (1969)
- Bruce Clarke *
- Ian Dorrington (1969)
- John Eaton (1968)
- Steve Godden (1969)
- Kevin McCarthy (1968)
- George Papadopolos (1969)
- Brian Smith*
- Kim Vann*
- Frank van der Worm (1969)