Gifted & Talented Policy


The GAT Language program is a DOE language program, featuring Chinese and Italian at Mount Lawley Senior High School. As required by the Department, Mount Lawley Senior High School (MLSHS) keeps GAT Language students together in their Language class from Year 7 to Year 10. To further support GAT language students, MLSHS keeps students together in Years 7 and 8 for Maths, English, Science, Humanities and Social Science (MESH) classes, which are run similarly to our academic enrichment classes. Further, to ensure developmentally appropriate progress for each student, grouping for MESH subjects changes in Years 9 and 10. To prepare students for Mathematics specialisation, students are placed into Mathematics classes according to their individual ability in Year 9. However, they remain as a GAT Language group for Year 9 English, Science, and  Humanities and Social Sciences. In Year 10 GAT Language students are placed into all MESH classes according to their ability in each MESH subject.

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GAT Coordinator


Mount Lawley Senior High School provides a GAT Coordinator.


GAT Program


As mandated the school abides by Department GAT policy and guidelines. The school supports selection of GAT Language students as requested by the Department, which currently includes: administrative support and interviewing prospective students to determine their orientation towards language as a specialty, for study in Middle, Upper and Senior School. It is hoped GAT students will continue their Language studies into Senior School. Additionally, MLSHS provides support to GAT students by running a GAT program in MESH classes. This will be supported as indicated in the rationale, with the intention of enrichment in the MESH Learning Areas and preparing them for outstanding performance in MESH subjects over the long term.


Learning Focus


Mount Lawley Senior High School offers two GAT languages only, Chinese, and Italian. Typically, students will be placed in the language of their choice. A minimum number of GAT students is required in each class for this to be viable, as the social dynamic and group learning environment is important to optimise student outcomes. Only GAT Language students will be placed in these classes.

Maths, English, Science and Humanities and Social Sciences enrichment will be provided for GAT students, as indicated above. From time-to-time non-GAT students may be placed into MESH classes, but never to the exclusion of a GAT student. Such placement is at the discretion of the Principal and relevant Associate Principal.


Selection and Withdrawal


The Department conducts annual selection testing and recommends students for interview by Mount Lawley Senior High School staff.

Entry testing is the Academic Selective Entrance Test (ASET). The ASET is made up of four components:

  • reading comprehension
  • communicating ideas in writing
  • quantitative reasoning
  • abstract reasoning.

The tests are designed specifically for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance Programs and attempt to identify potential, rather than acquired knowledge. The Department does not endorse any training or preparation prior to the test. Interviews of recommended students will typically be carried out by the Mount Lawley Senior High School GAT Coordinator. The testing occurs in Year 6 for placement into the Year 7 GAT Language Program. From time to time the Department may top up GAT Language classes. Mount Lawley Senior High School will support students in this circumstance in the same manner as other GAT Language students.

Upon accepting a place in the GAT Language program students are making a commitment to remain in the program from year 7 to 10. There are only two extraordinary circumstances where withdrawal from the program will be considered by MLSHS:

  1.  Where a student is subsequently offered a place in a different endorsed specialist program.
  2.  Where a medical specialist writes to say it is in the interest of the student's health to withdraw from the program. In which case, students not within the local intake area,will be directed to enrol at their local school.