Parties, Young People and Alcohol: Guidelines for Parents

We believe a sound social education includes opportunities for boys and girls to learn to interact confidently with a wide spectrum of their peers. Social gatherings are just one way for young people to develop sound social skills and relationships. The organisation of parties for young people should, however, always be based on shared understandings about respectful, safe and appropriate behaviour. Young people trust adults to guide their learning in this area while we acknowledge the need to grow our trust in their ability to finally make their own wise choices.

Please find below, a set of guidelines to assist parents with decision making about either hosting a party for your child or whether your child should accept an invitation to a party. Parents should take the time to talk to one another, in order to come to some shared understandings that will form the foundation for a mutually supportive approach to complex issues such as finishing times, alcohol and partners.

As you negotiate this with your child, remain true to your family's values. Be clear about your expectations for his/her behaviour despite any pressures your child may bring to bear with arguments about 'what everyone else is allowed to do'! While many parents and their children will share your values, be aware that there is a range of views in the community, especially in relation to the appropriate age for the consumption of alcohol. Talk to other parents to understand their views and to make your expectations understood. And remember, your wisdom and experience equip you to make better judgments about this than most 12-17 years olds can make!

So your child is asking to go to a party?

So your child is asking to host a party?